Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tale of the mind

With sharp eyes penetrating the pavement stripped endlessly in front of me, I'm considering every detail fiercely because i don't want to miss a thing. I study the fields from a distance because the passion was lost somewhere down the road. Remembering our slow motion jog framing years to your fate-so far I've been lucky. I want to dream in a house where our walls are the grass, tipped with the sun as our shelter while letting myself be mesmerized by the coil of your fingers tracing nature at its very best. Our two bodies stretched naked as rivers on any ground we can call our valley-we are earths rivers. In an endless dale of green our loneliness is compared to our lack of flawless oxygen-so pure, needling my senses in delight, suspending all pain for eternity in our minds. Our smiles reach the birds without leaving us behind-our souls are atmospheric. Loneliness is futility and our sky is a green mountain coating the silhouette of blue trees-they are the homes to the birds that riposte our queries. The time is our feel-clocks lacking numbers and hands for them to fall upon. Nothing is falling. Two hands to every soul; they are meant for holding. Technology wasn't so fortunate this "time" around. All comfort is kept in vision, in arms reach and every patch of skin was meant to be touched by you, my beautiful wonder world.

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