Tuesday, November 11, 2008

You can take anything you want from me

His soothing voice, like butter on my body, strains my ears in such a delicate way. It makes up for having to pass the time in a car with two strangers that have sadness seeping from the corner of their eyes, even seen from a back seat view. With my imagination i can be anywhere and visualize my surroundings perfectly, like a music video to the song in my ear. It's night and it's getting colder by the second, but i still refuse to close the sanded window. I'm indifferent to the cold rain drenching the skins of my face; it gives me something to feel when you're not around, so i lay low beneath these towering seats and pretend i can't be seen. Invisibility always gave me a sense of comfort when i didn't want to be found, so i build castles in air; I'm not directed by these strangers. I'd rather be lost without gas with you than be found with anybody else. Your rubber will leave our tracks on this pavement as i criticize the control of yours hands, but I've always loved the thrill of being powerless and high; or am i completely in control? Every touch you give dominates my mind while i run circles, spinning in your hair. Fingers grip scalp and I'm sinking into the sands of Spain. Like the flow of it's waters at four a.m when i can't sleep, i gaze into distant, but familiar territory. At this time of year it's just a desktop picture and under the cover of your bed; the only two places I've ever really felt safe while having lost all control. Take me over, I'll let this contingency deluge the pools of my body. I'm in the mood to discover you; i think i heard her singing. I'm saying this to you and thinking it for myself; you are her and her is you. Sometimes i forget in which way i should be speaking, but I'm never at a lose of feeling. Details used to hurt and now they only release my breathful thoughts. I watch her watch herself in the mirror, musing me perfectly, subliming ever corner of my mind. I inhale and release, my stare is stuck and my body is at ease; tranquility under covers during dawn of day. My favorite place to wake up.

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