Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Drifting topics-

Drown me in your laughter-this house is silence!  I'm feeling optimistic and if you were here, I'd dance with you. It's been a while since I've felt in the mood to do a stream of conscience-unexpected. Happy, happy, happy-certain things and YOU make me happy. Occasionally i get to the point where i just feel like punching..that's awkward. I like comparing people to animals, but i swear I'm not being mean! Humorous-make me laugh; laugh, laugh, laugh. I used to be so good at it. I think I've just gotten sick of the people around me. You're all typical, but hey, I'm sure you think the same thing. Oh, and have i ever told you-i hate standard. I've heard way to many people call it "hot," but I'd prefer using my hands for other things. Cigarettes, air dancing, or my girlfriends thigh! Basically, i know two boys, and that's completely okay with me. The closest person to a male relationship in my life was............................. my dog, and unfortunately he died in February of 2007. One particular childhood friend, comes up ever now in then, but i ruined that in 8th grade at a bonfire. Once i skipped around a moshpit; i was made fun of. I laugh now when i picture it. I don't like when I'm hit on through facebook messaging. GET INTO THE REAL WORLD. Lets stop using technology for once, especially when it comes to human interactions. "This is my boyfriend." Ten minutes later, "Where did you meet?" "Facebook!" This is where i begin to NOT take you seriously. I watch too many movies and that's the way i like it. The summer before 7th grade, i watched the Only One video by Yellowcard, I'd say, hundreds of times, all because a boy told me it reminded him of me-now that's typical. If only you could understand my humor! I have to go-not really.

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