Thursday, January 8, 2009

I used to rid bikes with an ice tramper...

Dare, dare; what the fuck is going on? I'm sorry if my swearing bothers you. Bipolar; i don't get it.  There are crazies everywhere! I'm confused, but if i really think about it, i figure everybody out-or so i think; I'll leave it at that. The other day i found a piece of paper- it had your diagnoses writing in pencil on the side of my sophomore class schedule. Isn't that somewhat funny? I find humor in everything; at least when i don't feel like crying. The breaking of ice in my neighbors driveway constantly scares the shit out of me. Perhaps it's because it's the same sound that penetrated my ears as i dropped your hell on earth out my window for you, around this time last year, and panicked as you tramped away, thinking it would be my fault if nobody ever saw you again-or at least not alive. Better yet, how i left it in the mailbox for you, pretending to walk the dog. Don't ask my why i did the things i did. I'm just glad you're alive-behind bars or not.

I miss you.

Perfectly, i can practically place in my mind, the prints you left in the snow as you casually walked away, crushing. The ice that was breaking was the world that was cracking. Haven't we all hid rocks under our beds?

Inject able or not...
I listened to you loudly lose your way back down to the driveway-you thought you were quiet
I guess that was the funny part?

...but that was a long time ago

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